Fossil and Crystal shop
Unusual and uncommon fossil ammonite parts with the given name Laevaptychus latus. Still being debated as to whether they are ammonite jaw parts or a protective cover. It is known they were paired and happen to fit the opening to the shell perfectly like an operculum of a snail. I have obtained a number of these in different sizes and these are the smallest at around 12 - 15mm long. They come from the Kimmeridge clay of Wiltshire and date to the Jurassic period. You will receive one of the fossils shown or similar. Although they will not be a natural pair I will supply similar but opposite sides to a pair if an even amount is purchased (as shown). |
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Unusual and uncommon fossil ammonite parts with the given name Laevaptychus latus. Still being debated as to whether they are ammonite jaw parts or a protective cover. It is known they were paired and happen to fit the opening to the shell perfectly like an operculum of a snail. I have obtained a number of these in different sizes and these are the medium size at around 20mm long. They come from the Kimmeridge clay of Wiltshire and date to the Jurassic period. You will receive one of the fossils shown or similar. Although they will not be a natural pair I will supply similar but opposite sides to a pair if an even amount is purchased (as shown). |
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Unusual and uncommon fossil ammonite parts with the given name Laevaptychus latus. Still being debated as to whether they are ammonite jaw parts or a protective cover. It is known they were paired and happen to fit the opening to the shell perfectly like an operculum of a snail. I have obtained a number of these in different sizes and these are the large size at around 21 - 35mm long. They come from the Kimmeridge clay of Wiltshire and date to the Jurassic period. You will receive one of the fossils shown or similar. Although they will not be a natural pair I will supply similar but opposite sides to a pair if an even amount is purchased (as shown). |
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Small chunks of genuine Ichthyosaur bone from the species Opthalmosaurus. They come from the Oxford clay of Cambridgeshire in the UK and date to the Jurassic. All have excellent detail of either the exterior, interior or both. You will receive one of the pieces shown or similar and they measure between 26 - 32mm at their longest. |
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How cool (probably a boy thing...) to be allowed to carry around some poo to shock adults. Add to that the fact that it is real Dinosaur droppings and you have an excellent gift for young and old. Genuine herbivore coprolites (scientific name) from the USA. The stones are around 30 - 35mm long and polished all over. You will receive one of the pieces shown or similar. |
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How cool (probably a boy thing...) to be allowed to carry around some poo to shock adults. Add to that the fact that it is real Dinosaur droppings and you have an excellent gift for young and old. Genuine herbivore coprolites (scientific name) from the USA. The stones are around 20 - 25mm long and polished all over. You will receive one of the pieces shown or similar. |
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Rough pieces of Whitby Jet. Beach collected along the Yorkshire coast, tested and guaranteed to be real Jet and not sea coal. The fossils are compressed wood from the Jurassic period. Perfect for carving or polishing for jewellery or simply for healing purposes (good for protection). I have a large collection of pieces from less than one gram to around 39g. The drop down menu will allow you to select up to 10g but your basket will allow you to change it up to 39g. I will send a chunk closest to your selected weight (always exact or over weight). If you need seperate pieces up to your weight then please email your requirement. Also email if you want details of the weight needed for your project or dimension minimums. |
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Genuine Dinosaur fossils; boxed and labelled including a Spinosaur tooth, Saltasaurus eggshell, Triceratops bone and herbivore poo....
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